Whether you're looking to record music, produce your next track or capture the perfect voice-over, our recording studio offers the equipment & the environment to bring your visions to life.
Vocal/Instrument Recording & Voice Overs
Produce best in class recordings for all purposes.
Capture the cleanest performances you've heard with a choice of the AT4040 condensor
or Shure SM7B dynamic microphones, running through a lush tube pre-amp.

Production / Mixing & Mastering
Explore, create and polish your greatest ideas.
Get comfortable and set the right tone with our lighting system, then let your creativity explode with all our tools at your disposal.
Full 88 key digital piano with weighted keys
A set of acoustic, electric & bass guitars
Ableton Push 2 controller
A suite of virtual instruments and VSTs
Recording stuido with engineer
2 hours: £90
Half day (4 hours): £150
Full day (8 hours): £300
Recording stuido dry hire
2 hours: £60
Half day (4 hours): £80
Full day (8 hours): £160
Bulk deals & regular usage rates?
Send us an email at: